And The Award for The Saddest Word Goes to Goodbye... - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Friday 29 April 2016

And The Award for The Saddest Word Goes to Goodbye...

This post is very personal to me but owing to the lack of a send-forth party or a decent goodbye gift, I decided to whip up a post about it.
So today is the last day of work for one of my colleagues as he has decided to move on to greener pastures without me lol.
I remember the day first day I saw him and I said to myself, " Oh well, not so bad looking but what is with the damn afro?" This friend of mine hates the barbershop so much that he would rather look like a 1960 throwback picture than get a haircut.
Anyway, I have chosen to use this medium to appreciate his friendship over the few months since I resumed this current place of work.

"Hello small head,
I know you are excited that I am writing about you on the internet. You can stop smiling now lol.  I obviously am too broke to throw you a send forth party or buy  a goodbye gift but I shall use the following lines as my cool excuse.
A party will wear and tear (except of course it is diamond) but the internet will most likely last forever...So will this post and the words in it. You better print it o in case the world wide web crashes.
I know we fight a lot and have completely different ways of understanding and processing things but I will forever be thankful for the times that you made my dark world a little brighter. Don't get it twisted o, there are some days when I want to rip your head off and play football with it. lool.
I'll miss insulting your Young Thug playlist on our way to work. I'll miss the long convos over the office intercom. I'll definitely miss the soft drinks you bring for me even though you haven't done so in a pretty long while* roll my eyes*. Thinking of the fact that I shall never get free rides to work again makes me cringe though. Who will I rant to on the way to work? Definitely not the okada man (motor bike rider). Who will I share my paranoia over lateness and life in general with? Who will I share new music with? Who will insult my favourite songs? Who will I have petty quarrels with in the office? Who will I share office gossip with?
I guess what I am trying to say is that I shall deeply miss you. okay I need to stop writing this like you still don't live 10 houses away from me even though that will change soon too. Sigh. I will miss you dear office best friend. You keep saying to me that you met me for a reason and I know you may not believe this but I actually do agree with you.
Most importantly, thank you for the memories...In the end, that is all that really matters. Thank you for your kindness even on the days when I least deserve it. Thank you Kome Hermans Efenudu. I wish you all the best in your new place of work and I pray that people will show you kindness the way you have shown me.
And oh, thanks for being an ardent reader and contributor of my blog too. God bless you.

Sniff sniff,
PS: That is not my real face. -_-

1 comment:

  1. Ok this has to be the sweetest and most unexpected thing u have done so far. Uhhhm. Ok you know I am not good at expressing myself when I am not dealing with numbers or ratios or data. But thanks. And I do believe I met you for a reason. I am sorry if I always try and impose my ideologies on you. But i trust you are an adult and can sieve the wise words from the bullshit. Cuz there must always be BS involved. I do wish you success in your every endeavor. And i hope i can work on my insensitivity problem or u can help me improve somehow sha. U know we are suppose to get drunk today but as no alert, well, maybe we'll find a way around that. Ok i think i should stop now before i turn a comment to a whole new blog post on its own.
