Clearly Clairvoyant. - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Clearly Clairvoyant.

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It is my utmost pleasure to announce to you all that I can see the future!!! Lol okay maybe it is not as it seems but for a while, I suspected that what I jokingly called my "psychic powers" may actually be a real thing.
Some of you may have experienced your night dreams materialize in reality. For most people, it is a once in a lifetime experience. For some, it is an occasional one while for a few it is an ongoing thing. If you fall under the occasional and ongoing category, well congrats! You are clearly clairvoyant! (Pardon my corniness.It just had a nice ring to it. lmao)
Most of you are probably like, which one is clairvoyant again? Let me put you out of the misery quicker than Wikipedia did for me. According to my Wordnet Online Dictionary, "Clairvoyant" means "Perceiving things beyond the natural range of senses. Foreseeing the future". Wikipedia further explains that there are 3 categories in which this paranormal essence is experienced.

Precognition (ability to perceive something that has not yet happened)
Retrocognition (Ability to perceive something that happened in the past)
Remote Viewing (Ability to perceive something happening in real time while not being in the same space)
Now there are quite a number of ways through which this perception can happen. In a trance, a dream, conjured by witchcraft e.t.c. In fact I shall like to not go into details being that witch craft has popped up lol. Anyway, clairvoyance has been attributed to sorcery and the likes but I do believe that some people are naturally blessed with it. The following points are a few of my own experiences which I just figured are mostly precognition.

  • In  2011, I had a dream that armed robbers attacked my house. The very next day, they did but luckily, I was the only one awake and I noticed their shadows by my window. I crawled out of bed and went to my uncle's room. He set his car alarm off from inside the house and they somehow ran away. Below is a picture of how they made it into the compound.

  • Sometime in 2013,  I dreamt that one of the caterers at my workplace died in a fire. I said a prayer the next day and also went ahead to tell her. Later in the day, she lit a match to put on the gas stove not knowing that the gas had been leaking out for a bit. There was a huge explosion but thankfully nothing happened to her.
  • In 2013 also, I was searching for a new apartment. I got a very good deal very close to a beach and I was a tad excited. I dreamt that night of sea animals going in and out of my house only for me to find out the next day that the deal was so juicy because the beach usually overflowed and flooded the place. At this point, I noticed my gift and purposely asked to see the house I was going to live in in a dream. I slept and dreamt of a house with an unusually big kitchen. Oh well let us just say that for my current one room apartment, I have an unusually big kitchen lol.
  • In 2014, my ex was teaching me to drive. I dreamt that I pressed down the throttle too hard thinking it was the brakes and sped across the road without looking. Luckily nothing happened to us in the dream. The next day, I was driving and we saw his friend. I stopped the car to swoon about the fact that I was driving. For some reason, my ex put the gear on neutral while I was still gisting. Out of excitement, I stepped on the throttle hard and the car only revved. Imagine what would have happened if he did not remove the gear from drive.
  • Fast forward to this morning, yes I mean this morning. I dreamt that robbers attacked my father's house. For some reason, I hid my smartphone and held on to my regular Nokia just in case they were going to ask for my phone. I woke up while the robbery was ongoing. I prayed and went about my business for the day only for me to get to work to find out that my Nokia phone had been stolen from my bag while I was riding the bus.
Anyway, apart from the fact that I am super sad that my phone was stolen, I am kind of relieved that I have regained my clairvoyance because somehow, I felt it leave me. I am glad that I can at least perceive evil and avert it through faith. Apologies for the long read my darlings.

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