Water: The Soul's Milk. - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Water: The Soul's Milk.

Image from local-earth.org

You all probably know I am an extremely dramatic person by now. Sometimes for good...sometimes for bad lol. And to add that I majored in Theatre. Anyway the point of all that is the fact that for the sake of writing this post; you know just to get into the feel and errthang, I actually took a long sip of water and did the "aaaahhh" right after.
As you know, time to time I try to at least write some informative and educational stuff just so it's not a blog where I come to tell all my life woes in third person. Now picture me do all my talking in a very fast and high pitched annoying cheerleader voice.
Todaaaaay, we will be talking about water. Yep you read that right. Any way, I am not exactly going to write a thesis about it but I just really want to appreciate this strange yet life saving substance.
Let me share some "obvious" facts with you.

Did you know that about 70% of your entire body mass is made of water?
Did you know that almost 70% of the earth's surface is covered with water?
Did you know know that 70% of your smarty-pants brain is made up of water?
*Straight face* Even if you know this information already, act amazed!
Did you know that an average human can only survive for a week without water?
This next one is funny but did you know there is something called water intoxication?

I read somewhere that wherever there is water anywhere on earth, there is life. I don't know about you but this fact goes deeper than just another scientific discovery for me. There is definitely more to water. Especially because in the Bible, during creation, God separated water from water. Do you see where I am going with this? There was already water!!! Okay I think I just confused myself.

Water helps to flush and rid our systems of unwanted stuff.
Water lubricates your joints and nourishes your skin.
Water improves your mood and help[s you lose weight.
Water is the only tasteless substance that is sweet.
Water sacrifices itself for us to have our favorite beers and sodas.
Water is selfless.
Water is kind.
If water runs for president, I am voting for water.

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