Life As A Potted Plant. - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Life As A Potted Plant.

Image from

This is as random as random can be but do you really ever wonder what it must be like to be a potted plant? Your purpose is to beautify and amplify an ambience but to the detriment of your actual growth. You are pruned when you try to stretch out a little more than the boundaries set for you. Your foundation is confined and dictated. Limited by the clay or the steel or whatever material your pot is made out of. Your dreams of becoming wild and free are almost invalid except of course someone kicks you out into a forest or a bush which is most likely never going to happen. As for your feeding? Oh if you are lucky you might have a dedicated waterer. Who probably feeds you more out of wanting to earn a living. One who sees you as a chore. Oh and for the ones who claim that their sole passion and duty is to cater to you? Yeah the ones called gardeners. If you are super lucky, you'll find the one who prunes you beautifully and still has the decency to get you some manure just so you do not miss your natural habitat too much. If for any reason, luck runs out on you, you probably will be stuck with a house owner who only waters you according to his or her mood.
It really must be saddening for all potted plants around the world; that you must always wear a beautiful smile even when you are where you do not desire to be. Smile even when you are underfed and under-nurtured. Smile even when it starts becoming obvious that your end is near.  Until you really cannot smile anymore and all your flowers are withered and your leaves,pale. Until you really cannot smile anymore...and you are replaced with yet another soon to be unfortunate potted plant.

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