Only You Can Heal You - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Only You Can Heal You

It is impossible to believe that this title has been sitting in my drafts for 2 years and has only found the purpose to bloom fully today.

I wonder what must have inspired it. (Oh well, whatever inspired it definitely demands that this must be said).
People who know me know I have always had a thing for astrology but it has taken a whole new dimension lately and I am loving every bit of it. One word that has recurred the most in this new cosmic journey of mine is HEALING.

On the first day of July 2019, I got dumped via a phone call. I am one of those people who attach fresh energies to new weeks and new months so when this happened to me; not only on the first of a new month but 5 days to my birthday, you can trust that it broke me completely.
I had spent my time and energy nurturing a relationship that just wasn't for me and I was utterly devastated about it. Everywhere I walked into had a memory that I had made with this person. My house, my office, my new leisure spots and even eateries. I remember walking into an eatery that morning, a place that my ex-lover and I had turned into our personal kitchen. I remember seeing the person who would normally attend to us after all our indecisiveness on what to get and it made tears flow from my eyes freely. I remember the fast food attendant passing me serviettes in silence, to help me control the storm that was passing through me.

I look back to that day and I can categorically say that was the worst day of 2019 for me. I had loved and I had lost. I instantly lost the drive to look forward to my birthday, I became a shadow of myself in less than 24 hours and wished the ground beneath me would cave in.

By day 2, my eyes were all shades of red and swollen, I lost the zeal to do virtually anything but I was aware of one painful fact. I was the only one who could help me rise above the hurtful curveball life had thrown at me.

I strongly believe that pain must be felt but I can assure you that this philosophy of mine was a tad harder to go through when I was not just writing about it. I was experiencing it in the highest definition and dimension ever.

Regardless, I let myself feel the pain but in the shortest time possible. By day 3, I began to do my personal pep-talks. I was approaching a new phase and I was doing myself a disservice by letting someone's poor judgement of my awesomeness make me feel less of myself. With this mustered strength (as cushioned by my amazing friends), I began my journey to healing.

What's the point of this long-ass read?
1. Only you hold the power to your emotional healing.
2. You cannot skip phases when it comes to pain.
3. Life is a rollercoaster and we must take the lows with the highs
4. Read 1,2,3 again.

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