Horoscope reading for June 15, 2020 - WokeWifey


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Monday 15 June 2020

Horoscope reading for June 15, 2020

It’s a rainy Monday morning and it is safe to say that the showers of blessings are here to usher us into a fantastic new week.
Check out your reading below and let it help guide your activities today. As you already know, all messages do not always resonate and that is because not all messages are for everyone. 

On that note, have a beautiful day and week to follow. 💜💜💜

You were born ready.

ARIES ♈️(Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

Don’t let fear keep you from realizing your truest potential. This is your call to get up and get it. No more escaping. You are so much more capable than you can imagine 💜

TAURUS ♉️(Apr 20th- May 20th)

Toast by Koffee embodies all you should be feeling right now. Be thankful for your journey and make a toast to it. More blessing are enroute 🎉 

GEMINI ♊️(May 21st -June 21st)

Sometimes in life, we can be fulfilled with all that is going on with us but still feel like something is missing. If this is you today, don’t sweat it. All is according to Divine plan. 🙏🏾 

CANCER ♋️(Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd)

The good energy around you is heavy and bad energy will find it too hard to penetrate. Stay ready for numerous blessings while counting all that you have already been blessed with. 😘 

LEO ♌️  (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd)

You will feel better today from any physical or emotional Illness. The advice is to be cautious and to be rest assured that you are well suited to handle any past problem that rears its head today. 🌸 

VIRGO ♍️(Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd)

Make a wish. Now show some gratitude to the universe because it is all done. Watch that ego though to avoid unnecessary delusions. 🤝 

LIBRA ♎️(Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd)

Be reminded that everything in life is balance. If you cannot get what you love, learn to love things you have right now but do not stop dreaming. There’s a message about Interesting sexual experiences too. Do with it what you may. 👀 

SCORPIO ♏️(Oct 23rd - Nov 21st)

Be wary of who you share any business ideas with today. If you have also been asked to participate in some sort of easy money making scheme, think hard before taking action. Anything could happen. 🛑 

SAGITTARIUS ♐️(Nov 22nd - Dec 21st)

There is an air of secrecy around you and might even point towards unfaithfulness. Put those those impulses and desires in check. Set some personal goals and smash them instead. 🙌🏽

CAPRICORN ♑️(Dec 22nd - Jan 19th)

Whatever priorities you have now, act very fast! Take initiative and shape the positive outcome of your endeavors. You might be on a trip soon and it will happen suddenly. Go for it. 🚙 

AQUARIUS ♒️(Jan 20th - Feb 18th)

A connection is ending and it involves a third party. The universe wants you to know that you should are not a second option and that you will be fine, whatever happens. Stay grounded. This too shall pass. 🤗 

PISCES ♓️  (Feb 19th - Mar 20th)

Whether through hard work or smart work, all projects will be realized. An admirer might share their feelings to you soon. Aren’t you a charming one? 😜

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