Channeled Reading For All Zodiac Signs (March 2021 New Moon In Pisces) - WokeWifey


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Sunday 14 March 2021

Channeled Reading For All Zodiac Signs (March 2021 New Moon In Pisces)

How is everyone feeling tuh-day??? Boyyyyyy was this new moon intense one for me? Thankfully I journaled it out, cried it out, danced it out and here I am sharing some guidance for all zodiac sun signs that cover the next 2 weeks before the moon fills out with light again. Remember to take what resonates only.

 Here's how my journaling went.

PS, Journaling is a form of prayer and whatever you think after I AM is what you are...

ARIES ♈️(Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

Aries, you need to carefully evaluate where you are financially. The goal is long term success so avoid anything that may present itself as a get rich quick scheme. You will be provided with the strength to navigate through any difficulties in the next 2 weeks.

TAURUS ♉️(Apr 20th- May 20th)

Travelling is amiss, or it has at least crossed your mind. If this thought is related to anything that will take you to the next level in terms of your purpose, then you might want to take those plans seriously. Realign that focus. If you are in a relationship, please check any low-vibrational behaviours that could directly affect your partner.

GEMINI ♊️(May 21st -June 21st)

No matter how long it will take for you to reach your best possible self, here's confirmation that you will get there in due time. Please stay away from any conflicts at this time. if you are already in the middle of one, choose peace. Focus on the bigger picture.

CANCER ♋️(Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd)

There's a lot of fulfilment on the horizon as it concerns what your most recent desires have been. Be careful too. There's a warning of some type of loss. Protect yourself. A reminder also, that you are the creator of your own paradise.

LEO ♌️  (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd)

The waiting period is messing with you but baby, if you saw what was coming, you would wait with a big fat smile. Spend this time with yourself in prep for the new phase. Trusting in yourself means trusting in the fixing power of the Universe.

VIRGO ♍️(Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd)

Feeling emotionally unstable? Feeling burnt out? Caught yourself exhibiting some violence? Please take some quality time out to rest. Pause all projects, personal or sourced and rest. 

LIBRA ♎️(Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd)

If you are at a crossroad right now wit 2 decisions that carry the same projected rewards and consequences, pick one now with the faith that it will be for the highest good. There's so much positivity in your corner. Tune into that and do not let indecisiveness make you go crazy.

SCORPIO ♏️(Oct 23rd - Nov 21st)

You have recently reached a great milestone in your life. Spirit says you have done well and should let go of any need to control; people or events. Instead, go to bed every night for the next lunar cycle with great admiration and love for your self. Love your self hard Scorpio. You are worthy.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️(Nov 22nd - Dec 21st)

Should you hit a rough patch anytime soon, remember that you have overcome even tougher situations. Avoid the need to compare yourself to anyone. Remember everyone's journey is bespoke and you have done a terrific job so far. Please honour your relationships as it is an expression of the god/dess in you.

CAPRICORN ♑️(Dec 22nd - Jan 19th)

You may have some clear set goals that you need to achieve at this time. You are nudged to continue following the rules that are currently guiding you to your results. Do all you can to maintain balance in the course of things knowing that the day of this breakthrough is near.

AQUARIUS ♒️(Jan 20th - Feb 18th)

While you are highly driven by logic, it may be time to pay attention to your intuition. Pick your favourite spiritual outlet (prayer, meditation, journaling) and notice the subtle signs around you. Be careful to not use intelligence to the detriment of another's emotions. Let your emotional intelligence help you navigate through the maze instead.

PISCES ♓️  (Feb 19th - Mar 20th)

Self-reliance is the theme for you and regardless of how this theme manifests, it is teaching you to depend on yourself. A transition is definitely looming but you are asked to celebrate till the change arrives. Whatever will be might as well be, joyfully.


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