Spring Equinox: The Beginning Of A New Astrological Year 2021 - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Spring Equinox: The Beginning Of A New Astrological Year 2021


Sooooo we are on the verge of an astrological new year as the sun heads for Aries on the 21st of March 2021. As you know (or are about to find out lol), Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it is around this time we experience the spring equinox. This period is all about new beginnings and I love love love new beginnings.

What do I love about new beginnings, you ask. Well, who doesn't like anything new? Lol! I think I really love looking forward to all the possibilities that a new phase or a new season has to offer. I love to take stock of the past cycle, just to see how far I have come (and not to judge or beat myself up about anything because we now move different). I have chosen to take stock of the now winding astrological year but with a heavy dose of gratitude.

I am super thankful for March 2020 as it was one of the months that saw me accelerate hard in my spiritual pursuits. Just around this time last year, Covid 19, its fear and preventive measures swept across earth, forcing a massive global shutdown. I am not going to tell lies and say that the seeming outcome did not bother me but I was also forced to slow down. For a lot of people, this period marked some of their toughest times as there were a lot of deaths (my heart goes out to anyone who had to deal with any loss at this time) and there was also a rebirth of the new earth.

By April, the lockdown in my city was official. While I cannot really remember everything that happened at this time, I know that I had started to find other means of being relevant at my job, I was cooking often as I had all the time in the world to do so and I got to harness the power of a smartphone as my pc had some downtime in this period. I remember how I was going down the hill of depression and I did all I could to control the situation. Sitting outside my door on the 23rd of this special month, I remembered that I owned a blog that really helped me in my depressed days. I opened it, read a couple of articles and chose to write a short piece I called These Corona Times. Two days after, I purchased a mini-course from one of my spiritual mentors on IG (doubt that she knows this) and it changed my life absolutely. I went from a girl trying to figure out the intense awakening she was going through (still am btw) to learning various ways of unlocking the manifestor in me. I will probably need an entire post to discuss the benefits of that course but in the meantime, here's a link to her IG, just in case anyone who stumbles upon this will like to experience what I experienced. 

This is already a looong read so I will try to summarize as much as I can. I am eternally grateful for all the meditation time, the courage to begin to use my intuitive abilities, the manifestation of my new house, the new sources of income, the peace and positivity that has flooded my life and everything in between. And oh, it was in this same astrological year that my blog qualified for ads and I got my own domain! Yaaaay!

I am even more thankful and grateful for what's to come. I am grateful to be one with the universe and to have been invited to this beautiful dance called life.

Let us not forget, however, that none of these beautiful things happened without a seeming moment of absolute despair. Before I moved into my new apartment, I was forcefully evicted by a series of floods but, not in any of those moments did I fail to see the bigger picture. Never in those moments did I stop believing in the magic of the Universe and every day, I am more amazed at how much of a creator I am, as it concerns my world.

If 2020 was not a year to look back on for you, no worries. The most important time is now. Shift your thoughts to the present, be grateful for all that has been and the Universe will conspire on your behalf to give you more to be thankful for. In my favourite words from Max Erhmann's Desiderata, You are a child of the Universe, no less than the moon and stars. You👏 have👏a👏right👏to👏be👏here👏.

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