Summer Solstice 2021 meets Sun In Cancer and Full Moon In Capricorn:Guidance for the collective! - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Summer Solstice 2021 meets Sun In Cancer and Full Moon In Capricorn:Guidance for the collective!

Happy summer solstice, happy cancer season and happy direct movement of Mercury! 😅. It is an energetically charged period and as above so below; we just need to understand that we are always experiencing what the Universe is experiencing in various ways. The Summer Solstice is traditionally regarded as the beginning of summer and is said to "occur when one of the earth's poles has its maximum tilt towards the sun". You can check it out here for a better understanding.

 The sun has also entered the cancer constellation and the predicted energy might be emotionally dense. Remember that there is an entire spectrum of emotions and cancer season should not only always be associated with being soft and vulnerable.  That is not to say those are not superpowers in themselves, because baby, they are! The almighty planet of Mercury has also gone direct and is no more in retrograde, although its effect might still be felt for about 2 weeks before everything returns to the new normal. 

Another cosmic phenomenon that will be sharing the stage with the aforementioned, is the super full moon in Capricorn! I am very positive that these spectacles will affect us in numerous positive ways and I am happy to be the bearer of some good news. Instead of drawing up guidance by signs, I was led to do a more general reading as the energies at play will have a collective effect.



Guidance For the Collective

I'll start with the message on IG.

The Sun shows up everyday... doing for us more than we will ever do for it. The sun is magical, and so are you. Shine!

Feel every emotion. Gas yourself up, through laughter and through tears. The earth is made up of 70% water and so are you. Flow!

Just as we have entered a new season, you are entering a new phase that will require you to bring the heat and take centre stage. This is the time to reach deep within you to radiate joy from the inside out. It's a clean slate to set new intentions and new goals. Let your optimism run wild and your mind roam free, seeking novel thoughts that will bring about innovation. Take the leap, knowing that the Universe has your back. Focus hard on driving whatever intentions or manifestations you have for this period. You will be equipped by the divine to stay in control of your reality, as well as the fire to keep moving towards your desires. As soon as your part is done, sit back and watch the breakthroughs that are lined up for you. Your creative juices will floooooowwwwww... Whatever project you have shelved because of a creative drought might need to be revisited at this time as you will make headway with fresh insights. In a nutshell,  everything is coming together for you in fine balance. Be on the lookout for a major event scheduled to happen at this time of your life. Go through the process of this accomplishment and own your new lifestyle boo.

And cheers, to this super, wonderful message. You are adored and are made for so much more. Happy birthday to all my cancer borns, me inclusive and I wish us all the very best of the various journies that we are on.

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