Happy New Year! A Gratitude Mantra For 2022 - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year! A Gratitude Mantra For 2022


Happy new year to everyone, especially to the owner of the eyes reading this right now. 2021 was an astounding year and in my tradition of declaring the outcome of every new year, I say, nothing, absolutely nothing felt better than 2022.

How did I arrive at this, you may ask. Well, I did an intuitive music shuffle, asking for a theme for the new year and lout came Khalid's beautiful piece title Better.

This year I wish you better experiences, better opportunities and an all-round better life, all amounting to a better you, This new year is ushered in with a new moon in Capricorn, nudging us to go head to head with our goals. Not only because of the success involved but for us to continuously remind ourselves of our infinite capabilities.

In the light of this sparkly, shiny new year, here's a prayer I wrote for myself that I thought I could share with you.

I am thankful.

Right now, right here. In this minute and in this moment. I honestly do not take my current disposition for granted. I am alive. I am breathing, I am feeling. Thoughts of what next try their best to infiltrate my mind state but I am thankful for the power of choice. I am thankful for the power to shift my thinking to the endless possibilities of the world around me. I am blessed to have myself. I am blessed to have a support system and I am grateful for every one of them. I am thankful for today. I am thankful for memorable days like this. I am thankful for all the winding roads and the blessings they lead to. I am thankful for all the magic I possess.🍀🍀💜💜

With that said, I wish you a happy new year once again. Go forth and crush your goals, dreams or whatever at all will give you joy by the end of this phase.

All my love, 

Woke Wifey


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