January 2022: General Guidance For All Signs ☀🌙⬆ - WokeWifey


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Friday 7 January 2022

January 2022: General Guidance For All Signs ☀🌙⬆


ARIES ♈(Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

As a natural-born cosmic leader, your current position and disposition call for you to defend it. Something will be challenged: Your work, your title, your honour, your effort or anything that you stand for and you are advised to maintain your ground. Never second-guess yourself. Only greatness can be challenged anyway. Now repeat to yourself: "I am unshakeable".

TAURUS ♉(Apr 20th- May 20th

A majority of this year will require you to solely depend on yourself as you clear and light up your own path. In isolation or solitude, we are more in tune with our thoughts and your higher self might have some very important messages for you that will help you navigate life going forward. Resist all forms of comparing yourself or achievements to others. You are where you need to be and on your way to YOUR destination. Affirm: I am in sync with my higher self.

GEMINI ♊(May 21st -June 21st)

While it may seem that you have lost control and flexibility, look at the situation with a new pair of lenses. Rebellion is in the air as you may be opposed to a certain way you are asked to do a certain thing or task. Whatever decision is made, ensure that you are the biggest beneficiary and it is done for the highest good of all. Never forget that you are the captain of your soul. Affirm: I am in control of my life.

CANCER ♋(Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd)

What's on your mind Cancer? Whatever it is, executing will bring lots of emotional fulfilment. Brick by brick, step by step, inch closer to making your thoughts a reality. Resources are around you and so are hurdles but the good news is that they will be easy to scale. Be open to receiving gifts too. Affirm: I am capable of bringing my ideas to life

LEO ♌ (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd)

Transitions are highlighted for you in this new year and while some can come with regret or even pain, you are reminded to remain in your power while holding on to hope for better outcomes. Try not to expend your energy forcing anything. What's your will stay and what is not will leave. Release attachment and keep your head up. Affirm: I go through life's motions with divine ease.

VIRGO ♍(Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd)

Dear Virgo, are you struggling with balance in your work, relationship or personal life? Wherever the scale is tipped, we must find a way to make tough decisions that may not be pleasant to all involved but will be beneficial to all in the long run. Speed up that decision-making process right now. Affirm: I am balanced in all aspects of my being.

LIBRA ♎(Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd)

So much to do in such little time but you are ready for the challenge Libra. Everything is on track except an impulse to spend a large sum of money on something you might not really be interested in later. Maybe take some time to think it through? Anyway, you are aware of yourself enough to retrace any footsteps. Affirm: I make the very best decisions for myself.

SCORPIO ♏(Oct 23rd - Nov 21st)

Your intellect and emotions are in sync right now, causing this to probably be one of the most creative periods for you. There’s a certain intuitive knowledge you have of certain situations. Trust your guts and act accordingly. Affirm: I am limitlessly creative.

SAGITTARIUS ♐(Nov 22nd - Dec 21st)

Strong levels of energy, readiness and sudden growth are your keywords for this reading. These come with serious backing by the divine. Keep your ears ready for some important information coming your way soon too. Affirm: I am forever moving forward.

CAPRICORN ♑(Dec 22nd - Jan 19th)

Birthday blessings dear Caps. As per usual with solar returns, your mind is set on a vision that you want to achieve and this is your green light to go ahead. All will come to fruity with moderation, balance and a heavy dose of patience. Remain calm, remain at ease and crush your goals in style. Affirm: I am equipped with all the tools for my success.

AQUARIUS ♒(Jan 20th - Feb 18th)

Choosing what exactly to focus on at this time seems to be doing a number on you Aquas. 2 aspects of your life require a delicate balance, so much so that any move on one will affect the other greatly. The lesser evil is the way to go in this scenario, as you might need to pick and choose. Regardless, all choices lead to infinite possibilities. Affirm: I am always making the right choices

PISCES ♓ (Feb 19th - Mar 20th)

Everything around you screams change. Very radical change. No matter how this change presents itself, best believe that it is instrumental to your overall growth. You also don’t have to accept everything offered to you as you have options. Stay grounded and well suited for this heavy wind of change. Affirm: I am tougher than seeming tough times.

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