Full Moon in Virgo: A Divine Message for you (March 2022) 🌕♍ - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Sunday 20 March 2022

Full Moon in Virgo: A Divine Message for you (March 2022) 🌕♍


The moon has probably wandered far into the sign of Libra or even Scorpio at the time of this post but what I know is that all the messages on this platform transcend time and will resonate whenever it is meant to, regardless of when it was channeled. (Pheew, that was one lengthy sentence 😅) This full moon is the last of the "2021 astrological year" and I am so honoured to be experiencing life with you at this point in time. Cheers, to more full moons and to a fuller, richer you and a fuller, richer me. For a second, I entertained a thought that made me feel like I overestimate the importance of moon cycles and cosmic happenings in general and how they affect human life. I quite disagree with the notion of overestimation to be honest. In fact, I think the reverse is the case as we really do understimate the fact that we are a part of a whole that is experiencing itself through us. Simply crazy, yet fascinating.

Aaanyway, I'll get straight to the message and it takes a different turn as it is one general message but it does have a backstory (that ties into what I earlier said about messages transcending time).  I do not remember what I was searching for but I stumbled on my journal from last year. I opened it and found a personal reading that I had done for myself for last year's full moon in Virgo. I read it, it resonated again and I felt a tug in my spirit to share it. I hope it speaks to you and as we go into a new season, I wish you all the best blessings of new beginnings.

Instagram saw this first and you can totally join the growing family there too by clicking this link

"Put in work towards your dreams. No unrealistic thinking. Step by step, little by little. Do not let confusion get the best of you. Speak out. Something you say will change your life and that of others for good.  Beautiful changes are ahead. The rebirth is here."

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