Guidance For Aries: New Moon Meets Solar Eclipse in Taurus 2022 - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Sunday 1 May 2022

Guidance For Aries: New Moon Meets Solar Eclipse in Taurus 2022


Welcome to the wonderful month of May dear reader. The past month was definitely one for the books for me and the ride is still on. Here's hoping you have had a much better one than I have, and if you have had a bumpy one like me, I wish you all the strength in the world and hope you remember that it is darkest before the dawn and that you are still very much in course with the divine plan for your life. This second new moon of the 2022 astrological year coincides with a solar eclipse and boy is this one eclipse season? I am really trying not to conclude that my a$$ always gets whooped during eclipse season but knowing that these are the experiences that the mortal part of me signed up for, keeps me going. Cheers, to the winding roads and all the beautiful destinations that they lead to. 

Here is the guided message for all my  Aries borns, take what resonates and leave the rest. Please apply to only your sun sign.

ARIES ♈️(Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

The exact opposite of socializing is what may be happening right now in your life. In situations of isolation like what you may be dealing with, it could be the Divine's way of helping you focus on an area of your life that needs attention. 10:10 on my clock right now means only one thing. Trust in Divine timing. As I always say, nothing happens to you, and only for you. You are also lucky to have a support system that will ride for you if things (seemingly) hit the fan.

Affirm: I am exactly where I need to be and well on my way to my destiny.

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