How To Catch When Life Throws You A "Seeming" Curveball ⚾🧤 - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Tuesday 28 June 2022

How To Catch When Life Throws You A "Seeming" Curveball ⚾🧤

 Hi and welcome to my masterclass! 😅

I have absolutely missed sharing tips and hacks on how to navigate this beautifully complicated lady called life. If you joined the community recently, you are probably used to mainly astrology, guidance and affirmation content but here's a fun fact. I began this blog at a point in my life where I was down and out and needed a place to channel (and now that I think of it, transmute) the abundance of negative energy I was feeling at the time. A scroll down old posts will show you similar posts and even though there's definitely more positive energy around here, I hope to still be able to share my personal experiences, good or "seemingly" bad. 

To the tip of the day.

April 2022 started off quite smoothly. I had surprised my mum with a cake and other treats for her birthday on the 1st and I hoped to do the same for my Uncle-turned-father whose birthday was on the 14th of the same month. I had arranged for his cake virtually as I live in a different state from them but on the 13th, I felt the most sudden urge to visit them. There was a long Easter holiday approaching and considering that I didn't go home for the Christmas celebration, I thought to myself, "why not surprise them?"

They were pleasantly surprised quite alright but little did I know of the surprise awaiting me. I will forever be thankful to my intuition for making me purchase that ticket. I got home to find that my mum was to be scheduled for a surgery to correct a certain waist pain that has greatly reduced the quality of her life.

Long story short, my 5-day trip is still ongoing and I am typing this from a chair in the hospital. (Recovery has been quite slow for my mum but I trust that she will come out of this, whole and hearty 🙏🏽) Right before I share why this journey may seem like a curveball, I will be foolish to not express gratitude.

  • I am so thankful for the gift of my intuition, helping me go home right at the point where I needed to be here for my mother. (I am an only child too!)
  • I am so grateful for the provision of resources (through my angel of an uncle) to provide my mum with another shot at a full healthy life
  • I am absolutely thankful for the success of the surgery 
  • I am thankful to have to spend some quality time with my family 
  • I am eternally thankful for a job that has accommodated me through this impromptu event
A 5-day trip turning into a 75-day trip and counting was nowhere in my plan when 2022 began but I'd be silly to think that I have control over every bit of my life. There is so much more to this story than I have told but I'll end with this.
When life throws you a curveball, catch it by simply observing. The urge to protest or throw a "why me" pity party will definitely try to surface and if doing so helps you cope with the drastic change, then by all means. However, the best way to handle it is by surrendering to what you can't change, and trying to understand what the moment could be teaching you. There are only blessings and lessons. When the blessings come, bask. When the lessons come, learn.
I will be lying if I say there aren't crucial areas of my life that have benefitted immensely from this unplanned "vacation". For the most part, it has been an eye-opening experience that will be etched in my  memory forever. I cannot wait to see how all the dots connect and I hope that you're able to accept uncontrollable changes with grace, love while keeping  this favourite assurance of mine in mind: It never happens to you. It always happens FOR you. 
If there is anyone reading this who is faced with a less-than-perfect circumstance, I wish you clarity and strength to keep still while the windy storm subsides. It gets better my love, you have to trust me on that.

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