New Moon In Cancer 🌚♋ (2022): Guidance for Gemini - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Wednesday 29 June 2022

New Moon In Cancer 🌚♋ (2022): Guidance for Gemini

Happy new moon in Cancer everyone! I really wish I could teleport into everyone's feelings right about now, just to understand the headspace that this new moon has you in. Seeing as that's an impossibility, I'll simply share my own story. Besides the raw fact that it has met me exactly where I need to be, I can't necessarily say that I would have pictured myself in this current reality. Regardless of it all, I am thankful and hopeful for the best possible outcome. Nothing in life is ever linear and I am here to witness the entire complexity of this joyride. It's my birthday in a few days and I do not necessarily feel the excitement that I would normally feel but, I do not know what the next minute possibly has in store. For this reason, I will approach the nearest future with my fingers firmly crossed. 

New moons are perfect for setting intentions and they carry the energy of new beginnings. With it being in cancer, this clean slate may be required in the area of your home, family and even your emotions. Here's an intuitively downloaded message for your sign to help you navigate life with more precision over the next 2 weeks but first, here are 2 affirmations to set the tone.

I am peaceful in the face of adversity

I bloom in all seasons

GEMINI ♊️(May 21st -June 21st)

Stressed? Anxious? Feeling out of balance or out of sorts? We all feel this way sometimes, especially when it is tied to our sense of purpose. Your purpose will find you if you haven't already found it. You need to be at peace for anything to reveal itself to you so please try to quieten your worried mind and clarity will find you.

Remember to take only what resonates and do not force the message. If it is not for you, your message will find you.

All my love,


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