A Random Late Summer Prayer 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Monday 22 August 2022

A Random Late Summer Prayer 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


So I was in an absolute funk yesterday, so much so that the sadness became comfortable and I just wanted to dwell there. Knowing what I know now, I knew I had no business being there for too long. Woke up this morning with a kind reminder of who the fvck I am, journaled and thought to share it with my online besties. Let's just call it a late summer prayer. I hope anyone who stumbles upon it with any form of doubt or heaviness in their heart finds some solace and hope through it.

Dear Universe,

Good morning and thank you.

I apologize for my occasional inability to recognize how powerful I am and how much magic is accessible to me to always change my story and reality for the better. I am pure royalty and first royalty before any box that manmade constructs have made me enter. As I step out into my full power, I declare that I am fully and wholly taken care of by the Universe and all the forces that suspend my beautiful mother Earth. I am so thankful for health, for GOOD health, for a sound mind and the pure ability to move my life in whatsoever direction I desire. I am so thankful for this minute, a product of my manifestation that has lasted a wonderful course. As I enter a new chapter, I am thankful for all the doors of opportunities that now fling open for me to strut into the life of my dreams. I a so thankful for the courage to live my best life. It all works out for me. I am a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and stars, I have a solid right to be here and it is clear to me that my life is undoubtedly unfolding as it should and it is doing so to my highest and greatest good, and to the highest and greatest good of others, with no harm to none.

So be it, so it is.
