Fall Equinox: 6 Affirmations For The Half-Time Show ☀🌙 - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Tuesday 20 September 2022

Fall Equinox: 6 Affirmations For The Half-Time Show ☀🌙

The Fall Equinox (or Autumnal Equinox)  is here and as I described in my header, this is the half-time show.  Essentially, this means that we are halfway through the first half of the astrological year and kickstarting the bottom half right away. 


What is an Equinox?

In the exact words of almanac.com, an Equinox is when "the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension of Earth’s equator line into space. The equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s center passes through this line."

This usually happens twice a year and it ushers in the spring and fall seasons respectfully.


I strongly believe that all the cosmic drama is playing out in many different ways in the lives of many people and it may feel a little more intense than usual. As the seasons shift, so do we and I think it is an absolute honour to observe how the Universe mirrors our growth and changes. The changes are not always pleasant but it all balls down to perspective. Life is a lesson and as its students, we will continue to learn, relearn, unlearn and sometimes be tested. As we progress, we are provided with all we need, including the mighty power of choice, to experience this dimension to its fullest.

Around this time, we might find ourselves taking stock of the past 6 months and restrategizing for the next 6. Wherever it finds you, it is important that it meets you in gratitude for what is and is to come, with your head held high in acknowledgement of your progress, be it large or small. This contributes to helping us maintain balance and control, even when we are presented with situations that shake our very core.

In my own way of sending love to everyone, here are 6 affirmations we can focus on for this transition.

  • I choose peace at all times
  • I open myself to a new world of pleasant discovery
  • I gracefully close old chapters and embrace new ones
  • I am moving forward with a victorious advantage
  • I communicate my truth with respect and ease
  • I am equipped with the correct mindset for my goals.

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