Mercury Retrograde In Libra/Virgo 2022: Maintaining Calm Through The Chaos - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Mercury Retrograde In Libra/Virgo 2022: Maintaining Calm Through The Chaos


I kid you not when I say this Mercury Retrograde in Libra might just be happening at my door step. If you are reading this before the 9th of September 2022, then we are in the pre-shadow phase which is usually 2 weeks before the day a planet goes retrograde. Mercury retrograde starts in Libra on the 9th of September before moving backwards  into Virgo on the 23rd of September. It eventually goes forward on the 2nd of October and of course, it settles in properly with another 2 weeks of post-shadow phase.

This cosmic event  which first happens in Libra, will likely affect the areas of relationships, partnerships  and when the backspin continues into Virgo, we are to expect shifts in our habits, routines and even our health. 

Without mincing words, I have been feeling the density of the energy and it is definitely exhibiting in different forms around the world. Coincidental that the Queen died today? May be, especially because the moon goes full in Pisces the day after the retrograde officially starts. There is definitely a theme of endings.

Anyway, if you are remotely feeling as drained as I am, here's how I manage to stay afloat.

Observe and Analyze the Madness

When things go wrong especially this period, do your very best to remain calm and allow situations resolve themselves. These problems can present to be urgently serious and may try to trigger you to react emotionally. Low vibrational responses will only worsen things. You already know there is a retrograde. Don't let it get to you. 

Tap Into The Magic

I strongly believe that crucial cosmic moments amplify magic. Transmute the chaos into a driving force that speeds up your manifestations and desires. It will be tougher to, but, pray a little more, visualize a little harder, double up on that manifestation, do cast that spell. 

Ground, Ground, Ground

It is super important to stay grounded at this time. I hope to get my fix by meditating, spending time at the beach, actually burying my feet in sand to ground, going hard on my gratitude, prioritizing self-care and all that jazz.

Shake It Off

When the energy feels a little off, try your best to shake it off... Lol, I really mean get active through movement. Best choice for me is dancing and walking. I hope to regain my energy for more workouts.

Be Gentle With Yourself

When all else fails and you find yourself tangled in the heat of it all, breathe and be your own pacifier. Soothe yourself and even apologize to yourself if you feel you went out of character at any point.

Keep these perspectives in mind and you should be fine. There are six planets currently in Retrograde and there is not doubt that this is the pull back before the sling shot. You are worthy of all the great things on the brink of entering your life. 

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