Sagittarius Season 2022 ♐♐♐: Message For All Zodiac Signs - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Saturday 26 November 2022

Sagittarius Season 2022 ♐♐♐: Message For All Zodiac Signs


Sagittarius season is one that I have welcomed with open arms seeing as it has ushered us safely out of eclipse season. 2022 has been a lesson for me, but I believe there were hidden blessings in the interesting lessons. Quick reflection for you my darling reader; how has this year impacted you?

I recently started something on the @wokewifey Instagram page (you should totally click the link to join the growing community) that I now call Angel Number With A Message and is simply daily messages that could come as downloads, intuitive nudges, quotes, lyrics and anything that just resonates. Will it come to the blog soon? Maybe. But will I share anyone that really fascinates me? Be certain that I will.

This leads me to the message that I posted yesterday and it was the lyrics to a song called Unfolding by an awesome vocalist known as Luca Fogale.

Before I bombard you with too much content before the actual content, this message is simple and straightforward. You are not breaking, you are not broken, you are unfolding...

Below are messages for each sign, to help navigate through this first half of Sagittarius season. Take only what resonates beloved.


ARIES ♈️(Mar 21st - Apr 19th): You could be feeling nudged to seek something beyond your current options and you are well within your right to do so. Apparently, some of these "options" are bad for you (even poisonous to your health or mental well-being) but you somehow find yourself stuck. Listen to your intuition for the way out.

 TAURUS ♉️(Apr 20th- May 20th): Keeping your head up through all the curveballs has proven that you are the ultimate star of your very own show. You are entering a season of second chances where opportunities you thought were gone will fall directly onto your laps. Cheers to a breath of fresh air.

GEMINI ♊️(May 21st -June 21st): Amidst all the adversities, there is a silver lining for you Gemini natives. You could be losing faith and trust in a lot of things right now and Mars retrograding in your sign is not helping. Hang in there and let people testing you know that you are not up for unnecessary games.

CANCER ♋️(Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd): Buckle up for the task(s) ahead and delegate if you have to. The reward for hard work is more work but that should come with some more coins soon. Lose the need for perfection at this time and simply do.

LEO ♌️  (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd): What do you need to move on from at this point in your life? Moving on is never easy but it is a critical part of growth. You are called to dissect this situation critically and with total honesty to yourself.

VIRGO ♍️(Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd): An unexpected event is on the horizon and it might be beyond your circle of control. If a journey is not amiss, you could be planning one soon. You should get some creative energy boost but please expend it wisely.

LIBRA ♎️(Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd): Your hard work and investments are bound to make you smile soon. Success in various situations is also in the cards for you. Stay receptive and stay aware of this fact; you are more than a conqueror.

SCORPIO ♏️(Oct 23rd - Nov 21st): Leaning into your feminine energy is key for you at this time Scorpio. This will give you a new perspective on your goals and the ways you can achieve them. Keep all important information and plans on the low until you are guided otherwise.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️(Nov 22nd - Dec 21st): Happy birthday dear Sag. The cosmic happenings in your sign have been refreshing for the collective and even more for you. Revel in the freshness of your season and be sure the divine has you covered. Find the nearest dancefloor to bust some moves of gratitude.

CAPRICORN ♑️(Dec 22nd - Jan 19th): If a sense of completion has recently overtaken you, it is because a lot of your plans and goals have come to fruition. You deserve every ounce of this fulfilling moment. And by the way, someone somewhere is madly in love with your vibe. 

AQUARIUS ♒️(Jan 20th - Feb 18th): Blind faith is required of you at this point in your life as it concerns moving to the next phase. Compassion may not be your style but now is the time to approach some people and situations, exactly that way. And, compassion never goes out of style Aquarius.

PISCES ♓️  (Feb 19th - Mar 20th): Your intuition is at an all-time high Pisces. If you think someone is not being straightforward with you, chances are high that they are not. Remain in your power though. When the vibrations go low, you vibrate higher.

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