New Moon in Aquarius 2023: Guidance messages for all Zodiac Signs 🌚♒ - WokeWifey


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Saturday 21 January 2023

New Moon in Aquarius 2023: Guidance messages for all Zodiac Signs 🌚♒

Happy new year and happy new moon in Aquarius my Wokefam! What a year the past year was 🥵 but we made it through! This year began on some 2022 leftover Mars and Mercurt Retrograde so do not be so hard on yourself if you didn't at all feel the whole "new year, new me" vibe. This new moon feels a little more like it as all planets have gone direct till April. Do not be in so much of a hurry though as we are still navigating out of the post-shadow period. I haven't been here as much and I hope to be as much as I can this year but you can always find me on Instagram using the handle @wokewifey.

Here's our first channelled message for the year and while it seemed mostly cautionary (except for a few signs), I believe that we are all being set up for what will tur out to be the best year of our lives yet. Believe it, receive it.

Please take only what resonates.

Oh by the way, our tip jar is now open! If you would like to support the work I do, please feel free to buy me a coffee here:

ARIES ♈️ (Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

What is giving you a hard time moving on from or transitioning into? It is time to leave the past exactly where it should be: Behind you. Take some time to do some shadow work. While sitting in silence and without judgment, evaluate the part of you that may be entertaining this situation you are in. When you get to the bottom of it, things will become clearer.

TAURUS ♉️ (Apr 20th- May 20th)

Volatility and toxicity seem to be lurking around your emotions Taurus. Are you the manipulator or the manipulated in this case? Whatever the answer to this question is, you are asked to take full responsibility for your choices and your actions. A little loving could quell this uneasy storm. Loving yourself is a great place to start.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21st -June 21st)

After so many moons of doubting yourself dear Gemini, you are beginning to realize your power and accept yourself. I love this for you. Spirit says to create room for the perks that come with this new you. What is that one thing that has been tugging at your heart to get done? Please accept this as a divine sign that you should go right ahead and do it.

CANCER ♋️ (Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd)

It's called the past because it has passed boo. Not to say that you shouldn't honour how far you have come but don't dwell on it longer than needed. Take some time to toast to the new as you bid the old goodbye. Celebrate the newness that lies in wait. New goals, new maps, new compass, new plots. 

LEO ♌️  (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd)

It's time to execute this beautiful idea or even ideas that have been dancing around your mind. There is so much potential in store, and you need to get the ball rolling. Communicating with like minds at this time could prove beneficial to this feat. You might be a little talkative at this time but who cares when it has everything with achieving your goal?

VIRGO ♍️ (Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd)

Expect a certain sense of wholeness to consume you, if it has not begun already, that is. You might be rounding off a project that will bring you harmony within and without or a major accomplishment is coming your way. This is very well-deserved darling Virgos. Love is greatly highlighted here too. For the singles, someone is about to be super crazy about you. For Couples, the romance is about to be turned all the way up.

LIBRA ♎️ (Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd)

We can't live in denial anymore Libra. All actions have consequences, whether yours or that of someone you may be protective over. There's no room for judging or pointing fingers. What's done is done. How do you move forward? How do we create balance? You need to let your light shine bright over this dark cloud and get back to being the star that you are.

SCORPIO ♏️ (Oct 23rd - Nov 21st)

You might feel like you have lost a grasp of things. You may have evaded the truth about something and it has kept you bothered. You will regain control of your life as soon as you decide to simply face the mess head-on and clean it up. Everyone makes mistakes every once in a while and you are no different. Learn the lesson and apply it in your future dealings.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (Nov 22nd - Dec 21st)

You seem to have suddenly awakened from a slumber and you are itching for a new start. Spirit is saying, get up and get it.  You will be viewing life from a brand new lens and appreciating the things in your life, whether they are perfect or not. Look out for the formula that will be revealed to you to chart this new course of yours. Forge ahead, dear warrior.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (Dec 22nd - Jan 19th)

Best believe that all your hard work will be rewarded. You may have spent so much time doing stuff that doesn't excite you and while this is not the best dynamic, you are asked to hang in there. You probably miss all the fun you could be having right now but you are urged to tarry a little longer. You will soon be blessed with your best-case scenario.

AQUARIUS ♒️ (Jan 20th - Feb 18th)

Happy birthday Aquarius! Inner and outer conflicts might be coming to the surface to be dealt with. Even your relationships could be under pressure at this moment. You need to communicate your way out of this to avoid a bigger demon rearing its head. Reconnect with your loved ones. No one is an island. How can balance be restored? Please go back to the drawing board.

PISCES ♓️  (Feb 19th - Mar 20th)

Ready or not, here comes the change. We can not continue to leave things on the back burner. What desperately needs your attention? Who needs your attention? It's okay to be scared of the unknown but you know what's even scarier? Staying stuck in a situation that does not serve you. This is your sign to face your fears, knowing that something much greater lies on the other side.

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