February 2023 Affirmations :Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken⚔⚔⚔ - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Wednesday 1 February 2023

February 2023 Affirmations :Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken⚔⚔⚔

Happy new month!!!!!!!!!!

I hope January was as refreshing for you as it was for me. Of course, the month started in the heat of a couple of retrogrades, my mum was scheduled for another surgery and so many other retrograde'y things but I am happy I mostly observed them more gracefully than I have ever done in the past. February is a 2-month and this hints that the month is one of harmony in various aspects of our lives. It is also one associated with partnerships. It will be highlighted this month, whether it is physical or one with your ancestors or your spirit team. 

This is a month of love, of magic, of restoration, of recalibration, of consistency, of good vibes and of good news.

My personal theme for the month is Nothing Missing, Nothing Broken and it is inspired by a rather awkward situation that happened during my most recent travel. I'll quickly summarize. I fell off the stairs, bum flat, sandal shattered, while holding up my breakable plate of food, a can of soda and an Advil bottle. (Okay the Advil bottle dropped, but you get the picture). Now that I replay it in my head, it was very close to something that could happen only in a movie scene. To worsen the situation, there was an audience that fully witnessed the fall. A lot of drama happened after the incident but much later, one of my uncles came to me to recount the incident. He said what stood out for him was how badly I fell but still held the plate and drink in place. He said it reminded him of my grandfather and he kept repeating in our language, "A lion begets a lion".

It kinda brought me to the consciousness of my grandfather who is one of my strongest ancestors and more signs have followed to affirm that I am entering a season where no matter the circumstance, there will be nothing missing and nothing broken, for me, and for you reading this. Prioritize these affirmations for a fantastic month of February 2023.

My goals are easily and effortlessly achieved.

I am inspired to take the next step in the execution of my goals.

I fall deeper in love with myself every day.

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