Pisces Season 2023: What your zodiac sign needs to know this new moon ♓🌚 - WokeWifey


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Wednesday 22 February 2023

Pisces Season 2023: What your zodiac sign needs to know this new moon ♓🌚


Is it just me or the energy around this new moon is extremely draining? It's the last one of the 2022/2023 astrological year so it's no surprise if it comes with intensity. It has been a profound one, experiencing the lunar cycle from the beginning of this Astro-year in 2022, to this very moment. So much has happened, so much has changed and I hope it has met everyone better than they started out.

Here's the reading for this new moon/new zodiac season/ 222 portal, to be applied to your sun signs. Take only what resonates and please stay rested as there can be some cosmic adjustments during this transitory phase. 

ARIES ♈️ (Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

Someone's on some BS and it is okay to reinforce your boundaries until the message is comprehended.

TAURUS ♉️ (Apr 20th- May 20th)

Spotlight is on a specific bad habit (of yours or a close alliance) and what you can do to remedy the situation.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21st -June 21st)

Whatever you are trying to escape from requires a more tactical approach that will be revealed to you.

CANCER ♋️ (Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd)

You're either the hero or the villain in your story, and there's no room for sitting on the fence.

LEO ♌️  (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd)

Life is priming up good for you; nothing should be permitted to stress you, not even your negative thoughts.

VIRGO ♍️ (Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd)

Send that message or put that call through to that person you miss because we are not all here forever.

LIBRA ♎️ (Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd)

Look in the mirror and tell yourself the words that you hope someone else will say to validate you.

SCORPIO ♏️ (Oct 23rd - Nov 21st)

Keep a low profile, work in silence and confuse this ugly energy trying to keep tabs on you.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (Nov 22nd - Dec 21st)

Revel in your self-sufficiency, remind yourself and the opps that you are enough and put on a show.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (Dec 22nd - Jan 19th)

If there's a way you would like to be loved or treated, please model it for your loved ones to learn.

AQUARIUS ♒️ (Jan 20th - Feb 18th)

Your wants and needs are acknowledged by the divine and solutions are on the way to you.

PISCES ♓️  (Feb 19th - Mar 20th)

Happy birthday Pisces, enjoy the freshness of the new phase but watch the need to over-control narratives.

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