Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse and New Moon In Aries (2023): Guidance For All Signs 🌚 ♈ - WokeWifey


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Thursday 20 April 2023

Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse and New Moon In Aries (2023): Guidance For All Signs 🌚 ♈


Happy New Moon/solar eclipse in Aries my loves. It is indeed a rare one and this is why.

1. This is the second new moon in Aries in a row and it is a super rare occurrence.

2. This is also a rare hybrid solar eclipse, meaning it is both an annular eclipse and a total eclipse

3. This Eclipse is occurring in Aries and will do so for the next 2 years.

4. Mercury begins her retrograde dance in the sign of  Taurus, tomorrow, the 21st of April 2023. 

5. We enter Taurus season tomorrow.

 With these few points of mine, I hope you can understand the vibrant and intense energy coursing through the Universe right now. I Wish I could check in with everyone personally to know exactly where this intensity has them but in the near impossibility of that, I have each and every member of the community in my prayers. I have some channelled messages for you so please read on to get some insight for your sign. You are as rare as this eclipse, you are as much a cosmic phenomenon as the eclipse and I wish you experiences as rare and as beautiful as this new moon in Aries.

ARIES ♈️ (Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

You have somehow been in the spotlight since the beginning of the astro year which is heralded by your sign. This new moon (which is equally a solar eclipse) is also in your sign; a very rare occurrence and it is no doubt affecting you on a spiritual level. Pay close attention to your intuition as it carries very important messages for how the next 12 months will pan out for you. If there are areas in your life that seem to have become a competition, you are called to collaborate instead. How can you balance your energies at this time? Yes, you may be the raging fire but it is okay to embrace the gentle, subtle, cool-headed you. Do your best to avoid rash decisions as collateral damage will be inevitable.

TAURUS ♉️ (Apr 20th- May 20th)

It is not too early to wish my Tauruses a happy birthday! Forward movement is the theme for you this Taurus season. Things that have been slow-moving are very likely to pick up a quick pace in a short time. It is important to recognize that Mercury begins its retrograde motion and lasts almost through the stretch of your season but there is not too much to worry about. Projects that have been on the backburner might seek your attention. Choose what you believe deserves to be in your current reality and move with it. Air travel could be significant at this time for you. The Universe strongly believes in your ability to spin things in your favour. Please believe in yourself too.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21st -June 21st)

There's a lot of spiritual resetting happening and it is manifesting as physical ailments. You might be receiving your fair share of this but do not worry. Simply address your symptoms medically and you should be fine. If you have noticed any negative patterns in your dealings or lifestyle lately, this is your friendly call to order. Everyone feels off once in a while and if you feel like you fall within this category, please take several steps back and recalculate your moves. Balance is everything and while your overactive twin mind may not always understand this, you have to make a conscious effort to maintain it. Remember that your life is a living sacrifice to your creator.

CANCER ♋️ (Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd)

Pain, in any shape and form, is a very hard pill to swallow but hard pills keep us alive. Should you encounter hurtful situations that pierce your soul or wrench your spirit, please remember that hurt is a part of life's grand process. The rejection could be redirection. The loss could be a gain in disguise. The tears could simply be clearing your vision for a clearer and more beautiful view. There may not always be a calm before the storm but there is always a calm after. The sun will rise again and shine on the new path that you get redirected to. The joy, love, peace and satisfaction that you seek will certainly find you. Remember that it is never about our mortal clocks and it is always about divine timing.

LEO ♌️  (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd)

It's time to strut with your head high dear Leos because all that you have wished for your sweet self has arrived or is just around the corner. Everything good that enters your reality right now is well deserved because you have worked and prayed for it. Treat yourself to a nice time. A solo date to a restaurant, a spa or simply gift yourself items of luxury. If you prefer out-of-town experiences, please go for it. With this abundance comes the wisdom to manage it for long-term use. Once you have sufficiently filled your cup, you are permitted by spirit to indulge your best ones. You could even be called to invest in high-value art but you are a high-value work of art, created by the Universe and real recognizes real.

VIRGO ♍️ (Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd)

Relationships are at the fore of your current reality and need to be treated with utmost urgency. This could be a real-time or impending relationship with a significant other, a family member, a community or even a relationship with yourself, your higher self and your creator. This relationship needs strengthening and communicating honestly is the only way to do this. You are asked to approach this with pride in your vulnerability and not shame. Many times, we are afraid to be vulnerable because it could give access to our defenceless selves but that's what relationships are for... To create a safe space for us to be ourselves; whether whole or when we are falling apart. For romantic relationships, intentional intimacy is one key that could unlock the doors you seek to open.

LIBRA ♎️ (Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd)

Libras, you currently have your mind on your money and your money on your mind. It's time to pull out the spreadsheets and the budget pad for some financial planning. Whatever you have in the bank, no matter how much, will either appreciate if channelled into proper investments or will depreciate if you retain a hoarding mindset. Please remember that spending some of that bag on yourself is an investment. Your sense of security right now hinges on the weight of your pocket but kindly note that there is always more to life and you are a naturally abundant being. You might be considering expanding your financial literacy and it is a great step in the right direction.

SCORPIO ♏️ (Oct 23rd - Nov 21st)

The eclipse may have surfaced with some conflict for you dear Scorpios. This is a headspace you terribly hate to be in but it is just as inevitable. wherever this disagreement (or a full-blown fight) may have stemmed from, simply take responsibility for your actions and accept defeat if you have to. As it stands, you have more to lose in this situation, so kindly begin to seek a resolution immediately. This is not the time to plan revenge or try to scorn the other party or prove that you are right. This is the time to be the bigger person and work on restoring whatever relationship is affected by this event. As the retrograde approaches, please reevaluate your priorities as it concerns this situation and position yourself for a fresh start.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (Nov 22nd - Dec 21st)

There are negative tendencies that desperately need your attention my precious sags. Trace the distraction and fix it before it turns into destruction. What are the excesses that need to be nipped in the bud? How can you regain control of your own life and your own choices? It is never too late and redemption starts the moment you change the thoughts you entertain. What's keeping you obsessed? While obsession has its upsides, it majorly speaks to a lack of self-control, Physically, spiritually or mentally. The good news is, these unflattering energies can always be redirected and channelled into healthier patterns. None of what is happening changes the fact that you are a rock and anchor to your loved ones.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (Dec 22nd - Jan 19th)

Teamwork is essential to get you to the next stop on your road map dear Caps. There are no questions about your skills but the skills of others will be greatly required to achieve robust results. Whether this is in your career, family or love life, engage the ingenuity of others in whatever goal you seek to achieve. If this is already your forte, the next few weeks are brimming with achievements that will catapult you to a new level. You will also be blessed with a wealth of knowledge that can only be gotten through collaboration. Resist the urge to contribute lesser than you would because of an inflated ego. You could be inspiring others to put in their all for a much more desired outcome.

AQUARIUS ♒️ (Jan 20th - Feb 18th)

Something may be coming to an end soon and it may not leave the best taste in your mouth. Thankfully Aquas, you are built for moving on to the next which could help you deal with this loss better. However, you might need to take some time to process all that has happened before contemplating the next steps. Everything comes to an end including this precious life that we live. Hitting the pause button on everything for a short while is not a suggestion, it is a divine requirement to organize your thoughts and explore many other perspectives mentally. This will greatly help to stabilize the new phase ahead of you. You are still the star of the show, only that this star needs a little time out.

PISCES ♓️  (Feb 19th - Mar 20th)

Changing your perspective will greatly change your life Pisces. You could be brooding over things that have not worked out for you but this is inadvertently blindsiding you from the new opportunities that are currently presenting themselves. Forgive yourself if you have contributed to this dilemma and release anyone or situation that is connected to this disappointment you feel. Shake off the sticky feeling and give yourself a new chance at happiness and fulfilment. What lessons have you learnt? Master them to avoid a cycle of repetition and apply your new outlook to newer ventures, relationships and dealings. Put your great imagination to work and begin to visualize the best outcomes for your life.

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