Journaling the Journey(Pt 2): This Ain't Ordinary Life ⚔⚔⚔ - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Journaling the Journey(Pt 2): This Ain't Ordinary Life ⚔⚔⚔

Something very magical happened to me recently and while it might be inconsequential to some, I regard it as quite a humongous miracle.
I had just returned from a 35-day trip to see my mum and while at the airport, I noticed that I was missing one of my earbud tips. I definitely was not sure where it had fallen but I began to search around the bench where we awaited our luggage to begin circulating the carousel.
If you know me and you know how much my music means to me, you definitely know that not having my complete listening device could be a recipe for disaster, especially when I refuse to be mature about it.
I was honestly not surprised that I had lost it because I was travelling with family which included a baby that I carried at certain points on the flight. There were large possibilities that it came off on the flight but I simply just began to search right where I was. The thought of it being on the aircraft was so mortifying that I refused to consider it.
I first checked inside my outfit as it was a necklace earbud model, but there was nothing there. There were other people on the bench and while I didn’t want to inconvenience them, I made sure of it that they knew I was looking for something. Right under the bench, I saw a tiny black thing resembling the tip I was looking for. I tried to reach for it and when I couldn’t, I begged the girl under whose side of the bench it was situated to help me get it. 

Dear friends and family, she picked it up for me and it was indeed an earbud tip, except that it was not mine. It was the tip of someone else’s that had probably been there for only God knows how long. I tried it onto my earpiece and it fit. It was definitely not the one I lost but it functioned just as fine (Now that I think about it, I practically/potentially put someone’s earwax into my ear but that is not the point of this post 😅). Best believe that I was fascinated beyond my mind, at how the Universe works in mysterious ways. Why was that bud tip there at the same time and place as the time and place I was looking for mine?
It was baffling, to say the least, but it did send a wave of gratitude/inspiration/confidence/wonder down my spine.
It reminded me of this wonderful song by The Weeknd that rightly says “This ain’t ordinary life”.
Look at all the happenings that have aligned so perfectly without your influence and ask yourself: what are the fvcking odds???
I hope we all recognize the powers that we all yield and the powers that are all around us and I pray they continue to work in our best interest and for our highest good.

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