June 2023: Important message for all zodiac signs ❗❗❗ - WokeWifey


A haven for collective upliftment.

Thursday 1 June 2023

June 2023: Important message for all zodiac signs ❗❗❗

Happy June 2023 dear precious reader.
 Going by the Gregorian Calendar, we have just hit the first day of the first half of the year. By the Astro Calendar, we are somewhere close to midway through the very first quarter. Whichever one you follow or honour, the most important thing is that we have a new beginning to plan around. The moon becomes full in Sagittarius on the 3rd of this new month, amplifying many things and themes around us.

How has the year been for you so far? Take a moment to take stock, counting your blessings first, experiences next and your lessons last.

As we release all that has been with gratitude, we begin this new race with even more gratitude for all the best outcomes that lie ahead.

The message for this month is a collective one, although there will also be specific readings for each sign for the full moon. The message has come in the form of a song; Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey, featuring The Weeknd. I will first highlight the lyrics that stood out and give more insight right after. Please only take what applies to your spirit and keep an open heart.

"Keeping me hot like July Forever"
Going forward, we are turning the heat up on everything that sets our souls on fire. We will apply more pressure to see how much shinier this diamond of ourselves can get. We pray for the tenacity to keep putting in effort till we reach our goals and set even scarier ones. 

"We are the masters of our own fate, we are the captains of our own souls"
This is as self-explanatory as it gets. Going forward, we are taking more ownership of our lives. We are becoming more accountable to ourselves. The decision to be the best version of our earthly selves lies in the palm of our hands. 

"Cause boy we are gold"
In case you forgot, here's a friendly reminder: You are gold. You are rare. You are precious, You are timeless, you are valuable, you are respected. You will henceforth treat yourself as such and only allow to be treated like the substance you are made of.

"A lust for life keeps us alive'
It is absolutely fine for you to desire and enjoy the finest things of life. As you do so, you send a memo to the Universe about the life you are about. Life is for the living. You have only one shot at remembering anything about this version of you. I beg you in the same of everything you hold sacred. Make.It.Count.

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