Super Full Blue Moon In Pisces (Aug 2023): Divine Messages for All Zodiac Signs 🌕♓ - WokeWifey


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Thursday 31 August 2023

Super Full Blue Moon In Pisces (Aug 2023): Divine Messages for All Zodiac Signs 🌕♓

Super Full Blue Moon In Pisces Aug 31-2023

Happy Full Blue Moon dear Wokefam!

Every day, I fall deeper and deeper in love with the science and art of astrology. This phenomenal occurrence in today's sky is no exception. I even took a picture 🥰

You've probably heard the phrase "Once in a Blue Moon" before, used to describe a rare occurrence. This saying's origin is founded upon an actual lunar event. Once in 32 months, the moon fills up with maximum light twice a month. The Moon's regular motion is to become new and grow full once every month. This interesting month of August 2023 officially began and ended with a full moon.

Feels like a perfectly wrapped gift to me. Make of that what you may but don't forget to open your present.

And when you do open up your gift, please do not forget to say thank you.

Let's say it together.

Thank you dear Universe/Source/God for this beautifully wrapped gift. I love you.

Please find your full moon message using your zodiac sign, below. 

ARIES ♈️ (Mar 21st - Apr 19th)

You will regain whatever you think you have lost in 10 folds. We are counting blessings and not losses.

TAURUS ♉️ (Apr 20th- May 20th)

As generosity rains on you from above, keep the gesture going by extending to those in need. Activate your spirit of discernment.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21st -June 21st)

 A divine helping hand is showing up for you to address a critical need of yours. Assess any relationships that are not mutually beneficial.

CANCER ♋️ (Jun 22nd - Jul 22nd)

Now is not the time to make hasty decisions or jump to conclusions. Approach critical conversations at this time with diplomacy.

LEO ♌️  (Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd)

 Have you carefully explored all the possible perspectives of the situation? Take your sexy time before any decisions. You are doing just fine.

VIRGO ♍️ (Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd)

Happy birthday Virgo! The land is about to be all green, fertile and lush for you. All choices are bound to bring you your desired outcomes.

LIBRA ♎️ (Sept 23rd -Oct 22nd)

Experiencing some burnout or unrest? Please take some time out to reclaim your power and revel in the beauty and luxury that the divine has planned for you.

SCORPIO ♏️ (Oct 23rd - Nov 21st)

You may have some ideas that you have been unable to execute. Seeking more knowledge in this waiting period about the idea will prove beneficial in the long run.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (Nov 22nd - Dec 21st)

Some things could be sucking the life out of you but you are advised to turn towards the activities that give you joy and stability.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (Dec 22nd - Jan 19th)

Endless possibilities and opportunities are circling your life dear Caps. You know that you can create your own reality and you are doing exactly that.

AQUARIUS ♒️ (Jan 20th - Feb 18th)

A life of abundance and stability awaits you. However, there should be no hoarding. As you have freely received, please freely give.

PISCES ♓️  (Feb 19th - Mar 20th)

An exciting event is on the horizon. It could be a trip or a recognition of some sort and you will exhibit confidence and positivity through it all.

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